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Need a Direct Mail Estimate for your Campaign? Click Here


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What do we do?

Stigler Printing specializes in helping small and large campaigns design, print, and mail products using targeted voter and saturation mailing lists. If your campaign is considering direct mail for the first time we encourage you to contact us for a free consultation. If you have experience sending direct mail but are looking for a reliable turnkey solution then we encourage you to consider Stigler Printing as your direct mail solutions provider. With over 30 years of political campaign printing and extensive mailing experience you can count on Stigler Printing when it comes to political direct mail. 


Post Card Sizes                                                                                     

Stigler Printing offers post cards in three sizes: 4x6, 8 ½ x 5 ½ and Jumbo 6 x 11. Custom sizes are available upon request.

Post Card Design                                                                   

Feeling creative? Click on custom design and design your post card from scratch. Stigler Printing also offers custom design. Call today to speak with an account manager and get a quote for a custom design from our graphics department.


Stigler Printing offers complete mail processing services with free use of our bulk permit, If your mailing over 200 pieces you may qualify for bulk mailing. Call us today to learn how you can start saving on postage by using our bulk permit.

Product Review